
Flapping Happiness Into Your Lives Like The Monarch!

Bedrock Botanicals is a proud seller of Monarch Kratom products that are the epitome of fine quality and strength. Whether you are looking for comfort and relaxation or intending to boost your energy levels to get done any difficult task, Monarch Kratom can always prove to be the safest bet. Like its namesake, our products can help you soar high with the awesome benefits it provides.

Fly High Like A Butterfly With Our Monarch Kratom! 

We have Monarch Kratom available in four different strains of Green Maeng Da, White Elephant, Red Bali, and Bali Gold. All of these strains are super potent and extremely effective, providing you with the best qualities in the smallest of time. 

Good thing about our products is that they are available in both powder and capsule forms. You can buy as little as 14 grams or as much as 224 grams. For capsules, you have two options of 75 capsules or 150 capsules. Our prices are also extremely affordable, starting as low as $4.99 for 14 grams of powder. 

Quality That Never Disappoints! 

Our Kratom is completely organic and natural. It is directly sourced from Southeast Asian countries to ensure its originality and high quality. Furthermore, we make sure to third-party lab- test our products for any impurities, pathogens, and heavy metals. 

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