Does Kratom Show Up On Standard Drug Tests?

Does kratom show up on drug test

If you’re a regular user of Kratom or considering trying it out, you might wonder does Kratom shows on drug tests. You are right to worry about this especially since more and more workplaces have started conducting drug screenings at totally random times in their attempts to catch their employees. Drug testing is a fairly common practice in many different places whether it’s for employment, legal reasons, or sports.

You can’t even imagine failing a drug test. Even the thought of failing a drug test can be pretty nerve-wracking, especially if you use Kratom powder daily to get through your day. If that’s the case, you might be wondering about its presence in your system, how long it remains detectable, and what the testing process involves. Today’s article is for readers who are curious to find out about the detection of Kratom products to clear up any confusion you might have.

Can Kratom Be Detected In A Drug Test?

One of the reasons people might choose Kratom over other substances is because they believe that it won’t show up on a drug test. Indeed, Kratom can’t be detected in many standard drug tests, like the SAMHSA-5. However, this doesn’t mean that it can’t be detected at all. Some of Kratom’s components and their metabolites can be identified through specialized testing, such as urine or blood tests.

If you’re about to take a drug test and have recently used Kratom, there’s a chance it could be detected, depending on the type of test being administered. The level of testing and the specific substances being detected will determine whether Kratom shows up on the test.  

Is Kratom Detectable In Urine?

You might be wondering whether Kratom shows up in urine tests, especially if you’re someone who uses it regularly, after all, urine tests are the most common ones in workplaces. The truth is, Kratom isn’t detected by most routine drug tests, like the common 5-panel drug test. But there are specific tests out there that can be used to determine the presence of Kratom in both your urine and blood. These are 10-pane, 12-panel, and 16-panel tests, which can pick up traces of Kratom, and can identify Kratom up to seven days after use. You can get a Kratom drug test kit or Kratom urine drug test cartridges to do this test at home. 

But here’s the thing: how long Kratom stays detectable in your system can vary from person to person. Several factors play a role in this, including:

Body Composition: People with higher body fat and weight may find that Kratom lingers longer in their system.

Age: As we age, our bodies slow down, meaning older individuals might metabolize Kratom extracts more slowly than younger people.

Metabolism: If you have a fast metabolism, your body will likely process and eliminate Kratom quicker.

Dosage: The amount of Kratom edibles you use also affects how long it stays in your system.

Health Conditions: Overall health, particularly liver function, can influence how efficiently Kratom is metabolized. For instance, if you have liver issues, your body might process Kratom at a slower rate.

Can Kratom Be Detected In Saliva?

Another way that can be used to detect Kratom is saliva testing called ELISA and PCR. Saliva tests are quite common for various substances, but at this time, there aren’t any standardized saliva tests specifically designed to detect Kratom or its metabolites. 

Does Kratom Last In Hair?

Hair follicle testing is a method that can reveal substance use over a longer period—typically up to 90 days. This kind of test can show if someone has used a substance within the past few months. Fortunately for those users who won’t hide their Kratom usage, as of now, there are no hair tests available that can detect Kratom. We are still not sure whether Kratom’s compounds are even detectable in hair, and hence more research is needed in this area to determine if this is a viable testing method.

Factors Determining Whether Kratom Shows Up On The Test

If you’re using Kratom capsules and wondering why sometimes it shows up on a drug test and other times it doesn’t, there are a few key things to consider. Let’s break down the main factors that can affect whether Kratom is detected:

Your Metabolic Rate

We all process substances at different speeds, and your metabolism is a big part of that. How quickly your body breaks down and gets rid of Kratom and its byproducts can determine how long it sticks around in your system. If you have a faster metabolism, Kratom won’t hang out in your blood and urine for as long.

How Often You Use Kratom

If Kratom is something you use regularly, it can build up in your body over time. If you use Kratom more often than not, it means more metabolites are present in your blood, urine, and tissues, which may increase the likelihood of it being detected in a drug test.

The Amount You Take

The dosage of Kratom you consume also plays a significant role. Higher doses lead to greater concentrations of Kratom in your system. Studies have shown that when there’s more Kratom in your body, its presence is more likely to be detected by tests, especially the more specialized ones that can even detect trace amounts.

The Type Of Drug Test Used

Different drug tests have different capabilities. Some tests are designed to detect a wide range of substances, while others are more specific. The kind of test being used, and what it’s set to look for, can influence whether Kratom is detected.

How Sensitive The Drug Test Is

Sensitivity refers to how well a test can detect small amounts of a substance. Highly sensitive tests can pick up even tiny traces of Kratom metabolites, making it more likely to be detected, even if you’ve only used a small amount or haven’t used it recently.

Note: Understanding the factors that can influence whether Kratom is detected or not is important if you’re going to take a drug test. However, it is important to point out that this is not a comprehensive list of factors that can affect your test result.

Final Word

To sum up, while Kratom isn’t picked up by standard drug tests, there are specialized tests that can detect it in your system. Kratom does come up in drug tests but not all. How long Kratom stays detectable ultimately relies on several different factors such as your body composition, metabolism, and overall health. If you’re a Kratom user concerned about upcoming drug tests in your office, it’s helpful to be aware of these factors and to understand that while detection is possible, it’s not guaranteed.

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